The Atlantic / 9-minute video Xinjiang, China is home to more than 11 million Uighurs, a largely Muslim ethnic minority. Currently, 1 million Uighurs are being held in Chinese internment camps, according to estimates cited by the UN and by U.S. officials. While Uighurs have long faced Continue Reading
2 insertions & 2 erasures now support our Qur’an! – Quranic Corrections Ep. 7
CIRA International We continue unpacking the corrections Dr Dan Brubaker has found in the Qur’an, and we come to correction number 10. Continue Reading
Can Muslims be Loyal Citizens?
7 Ways the Quran Has Been Corrected – Quranic Corrections Ep. 4
CIRA International After introducing and describing the 6 major early Qur’anic manuscripts (the Topkapi, Samarkand, Ma’il, Petropolitanus, Huseini, and Sana’a manuscripts), Jay and Al Fadi zero in on the Sana’a MS, the manuscript Al Fadi is working on for his doctorate, and point out how there Continue Reading