A. J. Caschetta / New English Review In the years since 9/11, the Islamic reform movement has advanced sufficiently that two distinct camps have emerged: reformers and bridge-builders. Genuine reformers seek to transform how Islam is practiced, while bridge-builders seek to improve how Islam Continue Reading
Change Comes to Islam’s Birthplace, and the World Watches Warily
Anisah Sukry, Arys Aditya, & Archana Chaudhary / Bloomberg The world’s 1.8 billion Muslims look to one country above all others. As the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia is a symbol of purity for many who direct their prayers toward Mecca wherever they are in the world. The latest in Continue Reading
How to Understand Salafism in America
By Erasmus THE word “Salafism” is often used loosely, especially in continental Europe. When the relationship between Islam and jihadist violence is discussed in, say, France or Germany, the assumption is often made that the problem begins and ends with the Salafis—who put overwhelming emphasis Continue Reading
Struggling to prevent terrorist attacks, France wants to ‘reform’ Islam
By James McAuley PARIS — Speaking alongside the flag-draped coffin of a police officer killed in a terrorist attack in southern France, President Emmanuel Macron last month laid blame on “underground Islamism” and those who “indoctrinate on our soil and corrupt daily.” The attack added further Continue Reading