Purpose – Help network and encourage those involved in outreach to Muslims locally and be a catalyst to promote ministry to Muslims.
- Southern California
- This group meets to introduce ministries, form partnerships, and network with others reaching out to Muslims. They begin around 9:30am and end at 2pm. The agenda for each meeting involves worship, prayer, introduction of exhibitors, testimony from an MBB, outreach testimonies, and lunch together. They meet three times a year in January, May, and September.
- Midwest
- These meetings are held four times a year on a quarterly basis. They start at 9am and end at noon. Each gathering begins with a time of worship and sharing which can involve a devotional, MBB testimony, ministry spotlight, pop up testimonies, and prayer. Three equipping workshops are offered after the sharing times. The topics of these workshops pertain to relevant issues in outreach to Muslims, such as campus ministry or the basic beliefs of Muslims.
- New England
- These meetings focus on encouraging those involved in Muslim ministry through sharing and prayer. Those who attend share about their ministries and then the group prays over what has been shared. After the meeting they enjoy a meal together. Meetings are held in the evenings on a quarterly basis.
Structure – 2-3 leaders and 1 coordinator
- Each group is encouraged to create a system for communicating with the members such as a Facebook page in order to communicate about events, share experiences, prayer requests and resources.
- Groups are encouraged to meet at least 3-4 times annually.
- It is strongly suggested that the leadership team represents people from various ministries. A COMMA local group is not a place to promote one type of ministry as it is a place to network, equip, and learn from other Christians with a heart for Muslim ministry.
Activity – Pray and worship together, testimonies, plan local meetings, joint outreaches, a place to share resources
- Becoming part of the COMMA Network which is linked nationwide.
- Access to posting on the COMMA calendar of events page, as well as social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
- We will also consider placing your resources on our resource page.
- Access to experienced advisors on Muslim Ministry in North America.
- Prayer community – a monthly prayer update for COMMA local groups which is distributed to our national members.
The board and COMMA local groups leaders are in agreement with the Statement of Faith.
Please contact us at commanetwork@gmail.com if you are interested in starting a COMMA local group.