Fox News The number of Muslim converts who are risking prison or death by secretly worshipping as Christians in Iran’s house church movement has grown to as many as 1 million people, according to watchdog groups. The London-based Pars Theological Center is training at least 200 Iranian Continue Reading
At Heart Of Refugee-Resettlement Debate, A Rift Between Church And State
By NPR Staff The resettling of Syrian refugees in the U.S. has become a political and religious flashpoint. On Friday, for instance, Texas dropped its request for a federal court to immediately block Syrian refugees from entering the state. A Syrian family, including two young children, is now Continue Reading
Sacramento mosque honors Christian church
By Stephen Maganini First Covenant Church of Sacramento, which has helped resettle several hundred Muslim refugees, received a big thank you Wednesday night from the SALAM Islamic Center. At its annual interfaith Iftar, the SALAM center gave First Covenant its Distinguished Award for Continue Reading
5 Good Ways to Welcome Strangers
By Dale Hanson Bourke Like many congregations, my church struggles with how to welcome strangers into our midst. We have visitor cards and welcome badges and the greeters at every door, but we stop short of translating information into another language or specifically serving the large immigrant Continue Reading