Pick a street corner in downtown Hamtramck, Mich., and you'll be struck by the incredible mix of cultures crammed into this tiny, 2-square-mile city. A Catholic church across the street from a mosque. Polish pastry shops, sausage factories, and grocery stores promising "the best Polish food, Continue Reading
A Pastor in the Bible Belt Opened his church to refugees. Here’s what happened. By David Montero
Pastor David Daniels didn’t really have a choice. The refugees were desperate. He could feel that. Their need was great. He could see that. But God was also talking and that, well, he could definitely hear. So in 2015 he sponsored a Muslim family fleeing Syria and helped them settle in Fort Continue Reading
Why The Church Must Love The Refugee
By Scott Gustafson The global refugee crisis reached a peak this year, and is still climbing. At this time in human history there are more refugees and displaced people than at any other time on planet earth. 65.3 million or 1/113 human beings are displaced from their homes (UNHCR). Speaking Continue Reading
Preventing Radicalization: The Church has a role
By Scott Gustafson A Muslim immigrant recently lamented on his experience of acculturation into American society. He reported surprise at how cold Christians were, concluding this after not having been invited to anyone’s home for several years. The Muslim community welcomed him of course, and as Continue Reading