The BBC recently broadcasted a documentary titled "Undercover with the Clerics: Iraq's Secret Sex Trade." The program focused on Iraqi religious leaders who are turning young Muslim women and girls into prostitutes, convincing them to practice "nikah mut'ah" (pleasure marriage or temporary Continue Reading
The Arab world in seven charts: Are Arabs turning their backs on religion?
BBC News Arabs are increasingly saying they are no longer religious, according to the largest and most in-depth survey undertaken of the Middle East and North Africa. The finding is one of a number on how Arabs feel about a wide range of issues, from women's rights and migration to Continue Reading
Ahmadi Muslims Risk Arrest to Perform Hajj Pilgrimage
The Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that all adult Muslims are expected to complete at least once in their lives. Ahmadi Muslims are not recognised by other Muslims because of their beliefs and Saudi Arabia bans them from entry. They risk arrest and deportation if they travel to Continue Reading
Radical preacher Anjem Choudary jailed for five years
The 49-year-old was convicted at the Old Bailey after backing the group in an oath of allegiance published online. Police say Choudary's followers carried out attacks in the UK and abroad. The judge, who described Choudary as calculating and dangerous, passed the same sentence on his confidant Continue Reading