David Garrison / Newsweek In the 8th century, the Great Imam, Abu Hanifa (699-767), coined the term "House of Islam" (Dar al-Islam) as those places where Muslims enjoyed peace and security under the rule of an Islamic government. The rest of the world Hanifa designated Dar al-Harb or "the House Continue Reading
The rising tide of Muslim converts to Christianity
By WARREN COLE SMITH If you spend any time keeping up with the news, you know that radical Islam is a significant and destructive force in the world. David Garrison, does not disagree with that assessment, but he says it’s only part of the story. There is also a revival in the Muslim world, Continue Reading
5 Reasons Muslims Convert
A survey of 750 Muslims who converted to Christianity shows five predominant reasons they chose to follow Christ. The lifestyle of Christians. Former Muslims cited the love that Christians exhibited in their relationships with non-Christians and their treatment of women as equals. The power Continue Reading