Due to the incredible turmoil in the Middle East and elsewhere and the resulting mass migration of many Muslims to Europe and the Americas, the Church has an unparalleled opportunity to build relationships with Muslims and introduce them to Jesus. Many in the Church would like to respond Continue Reading
Easter Found in the Quran?!
By Oskar INTRODUCTION THE QURAN ON THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS WHEN DID JESUS DIE ACCORDING TO THE QURAN? WHY DID JESUS HAVE TO DIE? CONCLUSION 1. INTRODUCTION In much of today's decadent Western world Easter is mainly associated with a few more days off and tasty chocolate Continue Reading
I Was Training to Be a Radical Imam and Then Saw Jesus
By Hermoine Macura ERBIL, IRAQ — Amidst the battle against Islamic State across Syria and Iraq, an Arab Holocaust continues to unfold as millions of people flee their extremist ideologies and horrifying violence. The situation is reaching a "new level of barbarity with each passing day" that's Continue Reading
Islam Vs Christianity Debate | Is Jesus a Prophet or is He also God? Anjem Choudary vs. Sam Shamoun
Published on May 26, 2015 Anjem Choudary debates Sam Shamoun on the Trinity Channel on the subject "Is Jesus a Prophet or is He also God?" Watch the debate Anjem Choudary vs. Sam Shamoun Continue Reading