The 49-year-old was convicted at the Old Bailey after backing the group in an oath of allegiance published online. Police say Choudary's followers carried out attacks in the UK and abroad. The judge, who described Choudary as calculating and dangerous, passed the same sentence on his confidant Continue Reading
How Anjem Choudary’s mouth was finally shut
By Dominic Casciani The scenes would change - but not the words. The flag of Islam will fly over Downing Street, was his favourite prediction, followed by some kind of rhetorical flourish. "The Muslims are rising to establish the Sharia... Pakistan, Afghanistan and perhaps, my dear Muslims, Continue Reading
Islam Vs Christianity Debate | Is Jesus a Prophet or is He also God? Anjem Choudary vs. Sam Shamoun
Published on May 26, 2015 Anjem Choudary debates Sam Shamoun on the Trinity Channel on the subject "Is Jesus a Prophet or is He also God?" Watch the debate Anjem Choudary vs. Sam Shamoun Continue Reading