By Roy Oksnevad I usually do not comment on or post geopolitical material on COMMA. Our task is to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to a people lost without Christ. I seek to encourage us with news about missions, methods, and information that will help us in ministry. However, people in our Continue Reading
Muslim Voices on Gender
By Roy Oksnevad In light of the influence of the conservative Islamist trend in Islam, what will the reaction be? A while ago Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of Barnabas Fund wrote an article titled “Islam: At War Within Itself.” He states: “Respected, mainstream Muslim leaders in a variety of countries have Continue Reading
Abrahamic Faith—Really?
By Roy Oksnevad Lately I have been in mosques and heard their presentations. Over the years I have noticed that mosque presentations are being done by converts or second generation Muslims who know how to present a friendlier and gentler version of Islam to the public. It is always difficult to Continue Reading
Muslims and Modernity
By Roy Oksnevad I sat down with my friend at a restaurant as we talked about the various voices of Islam in light of modernity. He had no idea where it would all end. He noticed that his nephew and nieces recently changed their dress to identify more as a Muslim. They were going to the Internet for Continue Reading