When we began this series, hoping to confront fears about American Muslims, I asked viewers to send ideas for what to cover next. In emails, YouTube comments, and Facebook messages, no subjects were more requested than ex-Muslims. Atheists who leave Islam are too often ostracized from their families Continue Reading
Book Review: Christian. Muslim. Friend. by David Shenk
By Ed Smither David W. Shenk. Christian.Muslim.Friend: Twelve Paths to Real Relationship. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2014. Christian.Muslim.Friend is a new work from David Shenk, a Mennonite missionary who has served in Somalia, Kenya, the USA, and continually engages in peaceful dialogue Continue Reading
Secret Believers: Ahmed’s Story
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccgFBrgjVYk&feature=player_embedded 'Ahmed’ is one of many secret believers in North Africa who are supported by Open Doors. Watch this short film to find out what happened when his faith was discovered. Continue Reading
Podcast: My Father is Muslim and My Mother is Christian: An Iranian American’s Story
In 1979, famous Beach Boys song “Barbara Anne” quickly became a song parody. The lyrics were switched to “Bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb-bomb Iran.” Shirin Taber, an Iranian American, shares what it was like to be a teenager during an unstable time for her and all Iranian immigrants in America. It was because Continue Reading